Source code for vcf.parser

import collections
import re
import csv
import gzip
import sys
import itertools
import codecs

    from collections import OrderedDict
except ImportError:
    from ordereddict import OrderedDict

    import pysam
except ImportError:
    pysam = None

# Metadata parsers/constants
    'AA': 'String', 'AC': 'Integer', 'AF': 'Float', 'AN': 'Integer',
    'BQ': 'Float', 'CIGAR': 'String', 'DB': 'Flag', 'DP': 'Integer',
    'END': 'Integer', 'H2': 'Flag', 'MQ': 'Float', 'MQ0': 'Integer',
    'NS': 'Integer', 'SB': 'String', 'SOMATIC': 'Flag', 'VALIDATED': 'Flag'

    'GT': 'String', 'DP': 'Integer', 'FT': 'String', 'GL': 'Float',
    'GQ': 'Float', 'HQ': 'Float'

_Info = collections.namedtuple('Info', ['id', 'num', 'type', 'desc'])
_Filter = collections.namedtuple('Filter', ['id', 'desc'])
_Format = collections.namedtuple('Format', ['id', 'num', 'type', 'desc'])
_SampleInfo = collections.namedtuple('SampleInfo', ['samples', 'gt_bases', 'gt_types', 'gt_phases'])

class _vcf_metadata_parser(object):
    '''Parse the metadat in the header of a VCF file.'''
    def __init__(self):
        super(_vcf_metadata_parser, self).__init__()
        self.info_pattern = re.compile(r'''\#\#INFO=<
            >''', re.VERBOSE)
        self.filter_pattern = re.compile(r'''\#\#FILTER=<
            >''', re.VERBOSE)
        self.format_pattern = re.compile(r'''\#\#FORMAT=<
            >''', re.VERBOSE)
        self.meta_pattern = re.compile(r'''##(?P<key>.+)=(?P<val>.+)''')

    def read_info(self, info_string):
        '''Read a meta-information INFO line.'''
        match = self.info_pattern.match(info_string)
        if not match:
            raise SyntaxError(
                "One of the INFO lines is malformed: %s" % info_string)

            num = int('number'))
            if num < 0:
                num = None
        except ValueError:
            num = None

        info = _Info('id'), num,

        return ('id'), info)

    def read_filter(self, filter_string):
        '''Read a meta-information FILTER line.'''
        match = self.filter_pattern.match(filter_string)
        if not match:
            raise SyntaxError(
                "One of the FILTER lines is malformed: %s" % filter_string)

        filt = _Filter('id'),'desc'))

        return ('id'), filt)

    def read_format(self, format_string):
        '''Read a meta-information FORMAT line.'''
        match = self.format_pattern.match(format_string)
        if not match:
            raise SyntaxError(
                "One of the FORMAT lines is malformed: %s" % format_string)

            num = int('number'))
            if num < 0:
                num = None
        except ValueError:
            num = None

        form = _Format('id'), num,

        return ('id'), form)

    def read_meta(self, meta_string):
        match = self.meta_pattern.match(meta_string)

class _Call(object):
[docs] __slots__ = ['site', 'sample', 'data', 'gt_nums', 'called'] """ A genotype call, a cell entry in a VCF file""" def __init__(self, site, sample, data): #: The ``_Record`` for this ``_Call`` = site #: The sample name self.sample = sample #: Dictionary of data from the VCF file = data self.gt_nums =['GT'] #: True if the GT is not ./. self.called = self.gt_nums is not None def __repr__(self): return "Call(sample=%s, GT=%s, GQ=%s)" % (self.sample, self.gt_nums,'GQ', '')) def __eq__(self, other): """ Two _Calls are equal if their _Records are equal and the samples and ``gt_type``s are the same """ return ( == and self.sample == other.sample and self.gt_type == other.gt_type) @property def gt_bases(self):
[docs] '''The actual genotype alleles. E.g. if VCF genotype is 0/1, return A/G ''' # nothing to do if no genotype call if self.called: # grab the numeric alleles of the gt string; tokenize by phasing phase_char = "/" if not self.phased else "|" (a1, a2) = self.gt_nums.split(phase_char) # lookup and return the actual DNA alleles try: return[int(a1)] + \ phase_char + \[int(a2)] except: sys.stderr.write("Allele number not found in list of alleles\n") else: return None @property
def gt_type(self):
[docs] '''The type of genotype. hom_ref = 0 het = 1 hom_alt = 2 (we don;t track _which+ ALT) uncalled = None ''' # extract the numeric alleles of the gt string if self.called: # grab the numeric alleles of the gt string; tokenize by phasing (a1, a2) = self.gt_nums.split("/") \ if not self.phased else self.gt_nums.split("|") if a1 == a2: if a1 == "0": return 0 else: return 2 else: return 1 else: return None @property
def phased(self):
[docs] '''A boolean indicating whether or not the genotype is phased for this sample ''' return['GT'] is not None and['GT'].find("|") >= 0 def __getitem__(self, key):
""" Lookup value, backwards compatibility """ return[key] @property def is_variant(self):
[docs] """ Return True if not a reference call """ if not self.called: return None return self.gt_type != 0 @property
def is_het(self):
[docs] """ Return True for heterozygous calls """ if not self.called: return None return self.gt_type == 1 class _Record(object):
[docs] """ A set of calls at a site. Equivalent to a row in a VCF file. The standard VCF fields CHROM, POS, ID, REF, ALT, QUAL, FILTER, INFO and FORMAT are available as properties. The list of genotype calls is in the ``samples`` property. """ def __init__(self, CHROM, POS, ID, REF, ALT, QUAL, FILTER, INFO, FORMAT, sample_indexes, samples=None): self.CHROM = CHROM self.POS = POS self.ID = ID self.REF = REF self.ALT = ALT self.QUAL = QUAL self.FILTER = FILTER self.INFO = INFO self.FORMAT = FORMAT #: 0-based start coordinate self.start = self.POS - 1 #: 1-based end coordinate self.end = self.start + len(self.REF) #: list of alleles. [0] = REF, [1:] = ALTS self.alleles = [self.REF] self.alleles.extend(self.ALT) #: list of ``_Calls`` for each sample ordered as in source VCF self.samples = samples self._sample_indexes = sample_indexes def __eq__(self, other): """ _Records are equal if they describe the same variant (same position, alleles) """ return (self.CHROM == other.CHROM and self.POS == other.POS and self.REF == other.REF and self.ALT == other.ALT) def __iter__(self): return iter(self.samples) def __str__(self): return "Record(CHROM=%(CHROM)s, POS=%(POS)s, REF=%(REF)s, ALT=%(ALT)s)" % self.__dict__ def __cmp__(self, other): return cmp( (self.CHROM, self.POS), (other.CHROM, other.POS)) def add_format(self, fmt): self.FORMAT = self.FORMAT + ':' + fmt def add_filter(self, flt): if self.FILTER is None \ or self.FILTER == 'PASS'\ or self.FILTER == '.': self.FILTER = '' else: self.FILTER = self.FILTER + ';' self.FILTER = self.FILTER + flt def add_info(self, info, value=True): self.INFO[info] = value def genotype(self, name):
[docs] """ Lookup a ``_Call`` for the sample given in ``name`` """ return self.samples[self._sample_indexes[name]] @property
def num_called(self):
[docs] """ The number of called samples""" return sum(s.called for s in self.samples) @property
def call_rate(self):
[docs] """ The fraction of genotypes that were actually called. """ return float(self.num_called) / float(len(self.samples)) @property
def num_hom_ref(self):
[docs] """ The number of homozygous for ref allele genotypes""" return len([s for s in self.samples if s.gt_type == 0]) @property
def num_hom_alt(self):
[docs] """ The number of homozygous for alt allele genotypes""" return len([s for s in self.samples if s.gt_type == 2]) @property
def num_het(self):
[docs] """ The number of heterozygous genotypes""" return len([s for s in self.samples if s.gt_type == 1]) @property
def num_unknown(self):
[docs] """ The number of unknown genotypes""" return len([s for s in self.samples if s.gt_type is None]) @property
def aaf(self):
[docs] """ The allele frequency of the alternate allele. NOTE 1: Punt if more than one alternate allele. NOTE 2: Denominator calc'ed from _called_ genotypes. """ # skip if more than one alternate allele. assumes bi-allelic if len(self.ALT) > 1: return None hom_ref = self.num_hom_ref het = self.num_het hom_alt = self.num_hom_alt num_chroms = float(2.0*self.num_called) return float(het + 2*hom_alt)/float(num_chroms) @property
def nucl_diversity(self):
[docs] """ pi_hat (estimation of nucleotide diversity) for the site. This metric can be summed across multiple sites to compute regional nucleotide diversity estimates. For example, pi_hat for all variants in a given gene. Derived from: \"Population Genetics: A Concise Guide, 2nd ed., p.45\" John Gillespie. """ # skip if more than one alternate allele. assumes bi-allelic if len(self.ALT) > 1: return None p = self.aaf q = 1.0-p num_chroms = float(2.0*self.num_called) return float(num_chroms/(num_chroms-1.0)) * (2.0 * p * q) def get_hom_refs(self):
[docs] """ The list of hom ref genotypes""" return [s for s in self.samples if s.gt_type == 0] def get_hom_alts(self):
[docs] """ The list of hom alt genotypes""" return [s for s in self.samples if s.gt_type == 2] def get_hets(self):
[docs] """ The list of het genotypes""" return [s for s in self.samples if s.gt_type == 1] def get_unknowns(self):
[docs] """ The list of unknown genotypes""" return [s for s in self.samples if s.gt_type is None] @property
def is_snp(self):
[docs] """ Return whether or not the variant is a SNP """ if len(self.REF) > 1: return False for alt in self.ALT: if alt not in ['A', 'C', 'G', 'T']: return False return True @property
def is_indel(self):
[docs] """ Return whether or not the variant is an INDEL """ is_sv = self.is_sv if len(self.REF) > 1 and not is_sv: return True for alt in self.ALT: if alt is None: return True elif len(alt) != len(self.REF): # the diff. b/w INDELs and SVs can be murky. if not is_sv: # 1 2827693 . CCCCTCGCA C . PASS AC=10; return True else: # 1 2827693 . CCCCTCGCA C . PASS SVTYPE=DEL; return False return False @property
def is_sv(self):
[docs] """ Return whether or not the variant is a structural variant """ if self.INFO.get('SVTYPE') is None: return False return True @property
def is_transition(self):
[docs] """ Return whether or not the SNP is a transition """ # if multiple alts, it is unclear if we have a transition if len(self.ALT) > 1: return False if self.is_snp: # just one alt allele alt_allele = self.ALT[0] if ((self.REF == "A" and alt_allele == "G") or (self.REF == "G" and alt_allele == "A") or (self.REF == "C" and alt_allele == "T") or (self.REF == "T" and alt_allele == "C")): return True else: return False else: return False @property
def is_deletion(self):
[docs] """ Return whether or not the INDEL is a deletion """ # if multiple alts, it is unclear if we have a transition if len(self.ALT) > 1: return False if self.is_indel: # just one alt allele alt_allele = self.ALT[0] if alt_allele is None: return True if len(self.REF) > len(alt_allele): return True else: return False else: return False @property
def var_type(self):
[docs] """ Return the type of variant [snp, indel, unknown] TO DO: support SVs """ if self.is_snp: return "snp" elif self.is_indel: return "indel" elif self.is_sv: return "sv" else: return "unknown" @property
def var_subtype(self):
[docs] """ Return the subtype of variant. - For SNPs and INDELs, yeild one of: [ts, tv, ins, del] - For SVs yield either "complex" or the SV type defined in the ALT fields (removing the brackets). E.g.: <DEL> -> DEL <INS:ME:L1> -> INS:ME:L1 <DUP> -> DUP The logic is meant to follow the rules outlined in the following paragraph at: "For precisely known variants, the REF and ALT fields should contain the full sequences for the alleles, following the usual VCF conventions. For imprecise variants, the REF field may contain a single base and the ALT fields should contain symbolic alleles (e.g. <ID>), described in more detail below. Imprecise variants should also be marked by the presence of an IMPRECISE flag in the INFO field." """ if self.is_snp: if self.is_transition: return "ts" elif len(self.ALT) == 1: return "tv" else: # multiple ALT alleles. unclear return "unknown" elif self.is_indel: if self.is_deletion: return "del" elif len(self.ALT) == 1: return "ins" else: # multiple ALT alleles. unclear return "unknown" elif self.is_sv: if self.INFO['SVTYPE'] == "BND": return "complex" elif self.is_sv_precise: return self.INFO['SVTYPE'] else: # first remove both "<" and ">" from ALT return self.ALT[0].strip('<>') else: return "unknown" @property
def sv_end(self):
[docs] """ Return the end position for the SV """ if self.is_sv: return self.INFO['END'] return None @property
def is_sv_precise(self):
[docs] """ Return whether the SV cordinates are mapped to 1 b.p. resolution. """ if self.INFO.get('IMPRECISE') is None and not self.is_sv: return False elif self.INFO.get('IMPRECISE') is not None and self.is_sv: return False elif self.INFO.get('IMPRECISE') is None and self.is_sv: return True @property
def is_monomorphic(self):
[docs] """ Return True for reference calls """ return len(self.ALT) == 1 and self.ALT[0] is None class Reader(object):
""" Reader for a VCF v 4.0 file, an iterator returning ``_Record objects`` """ def __init__(self, fsock=None, filename=None, compressed=False, prepend_chr=False): """ Create a new Reader for a VCF file. You must specify either fsock (stream) or filename. Gzipped streams or files are attempted to be recogized by the file extension, or gzipped can be forced with ``compressed=True`` """ super(VCFReader, self).__init__() if not (fsock or filename): raise Exception('You must provide at least fsock or filename') if fsock: self.reader = fsock if filename is None and hasattr(fsock, 'name'): filename = compressed = compressed or filename.endswith('.gz') elif filename: compressed = compressed or filename.endswith('.gz') self.reader = open(filename, 'rb' if compressed else 'rt') self.filename = filename if compressed: self.reader = gzip.GzipFile(fileobj=self.reader) if sys.version > '3': self.reader = codecs.getreader('ascii')(self.reader) #: metadata fields from header self.metadata = None #: INFO fields from header self.infos = None #: FILTER fields from header self.filters = None #: FORMAT fields from header self.formats = None self.samples = None self._sample_indexes = None self._header_lines = [] self._tabix = None self._prepend_chr = prepend_chr self._parse_metainfo() self._format_cache = {} def __iter__(self): return self def _parse_metainfo(self): '''Parse the information stored in the metainfo of the VCF. The end user shouldn't have to use this. She can access the metainfo directly with ``self.metadata``.''' for attr in ('metadata', 'infos', 'filters', 'formats'): setattr(self, attr, OrderedDict()) parser = _vcf_metadata_parser() line = while line.startswith('##'): self._header_lines.append(line) line = line.strip() if line.startswith('##INFO'): key, val = parser.read_info(line) self.infos[key] = val elif line.startswith('##FILTER'): key, val = parser.read_filter(line) self.filters[key] = val elif line.startswith('##FORMAT'): key, val = parser.read_format(line) self.formats[key] = val else: key, val = parser.read_meta(line.strip()) self.metadata[key] = val line = fields = line.rstrip().split('\t') self.samples = fields[9:] self._sample_indexes = dict([(x,i) for (i,x) in enumerate(self.samples)]) def _map(self, func, iterable, bad='.'): '''``map``, but make bad values None.''' return [func(x) if x != bad else None for x in iterable] def _parse_info(self, info_str): '''Parse the INFO field of a VCF entry into a dictionary of Python types. ''' if info_str == '.': return {} entries = info_str.split(';') retdict = OrderedDict() for entry in entries: entry = entry.split('=') ID = entry[0] try: entry_type = self.infos[ID].type except KeyError: try: entry_type = RESERVED_INFO[ID] except KeyError: if entry[1:]: entry_type = 'String' else: entry_type = 'Flag' if entry_type == 'Integer': vals = entry[1].split(',') val = self._map(int, vals) elif entry_type == 'Float': vals = entry[1].split(',') val = self._map(float, vals) elif entry_type == 'Flag': val = True elif entry_type == 'String': val = entry[1] try: if self.infos[ID].num == 1 and entry_type != 'String': val = val[0] except KeyError: pass retdict[ID] = val return retdict def _parse_sample_format(self, samp_fmt): """ Parse the format of the calls in this _Record """ samp_fmt = samp_fmt.split(':') samp_fmt_types = [] samp_fmt_nums = [] for fmt in samp_fmt: try: entry_type = self.formats[fmt].type entry_num = self.formats[fmt].num except KeyError: entry_num = None try: entry_type = RESERVED_FORMAT[fmt] except KeyError: entry_type = 'String' samp_fmt_types.append(entry_type) samp_fmt_nums.append(entry_num) return samp_fmt, samp_fmt_types, samp_fmt_nums def _parse_samples(self, samples, samp_fmt, site): '''Parse a sample entry according to the format specified in the FORMAT column.''' # check whether we already know how to parse this format if samp_fmt in self._format_cache: samp_fmt, samp_fmt_types, samp_fmt_nums = \ self._format_cache[samp_fmt] else: sf, samp_fmt_types, samp_fmt_nums = self._parse_sample_format(samp_fmt) self._format_cache[samp_fmt] = (sf, samp_fmt_types, samp_fmt_nums) samp_fmt = sf samp_data = [] for name, sample in itertools.izip(self.samples, samples): # parse the data for this sample sampdict = dict([(x, None) for x in samp_fmt]) for fmt, entry_type, entry_num, vals in itertools.izip( samp_fmt, samp_fmt_types, samp_fmt_nums, sample.split(':')): # short circuit the most common if vals == '.' or vals == './.': sampdict[fmt] = None continue # we don't need to split single entries if entry_num == 1 or ',' not in vals: if entry_type == 'Integer': sampdict[fmt] = int(vals) elif entry_type == 'Float': sampdict[fmt] = float(vals) else: sampdict[fmt] = vals if entry_num != 1: sampdict[fmt] = (sampdict[fmt]) continue vals = vals.split(',') if entry_type == 'Integer': sampdict[fmt] = self._map(int, vals) elif entry_type == 'Float' or entry_type == 'Numeric': sampdict[fmt] = self._map(float, vals) else: sampdict[fmt] = vals # create a call object call = _Call(site, name, sampdict) samp_data.append(call) return samp_data def next(self): '''Return the next record in the file.''' line = row = line.split() chrom = row[0] if self._prepend_chr: chrom = 'chr' + chrom pos = int(row[1]) if row[2] != '.': ID = row[2] else: ID = None ref = row[3] alt = self._map(str, row[4].split(',')) try: qual = int(row[5]) except ValueError: try: qual = float(row[5]) except ValueError: qual = None filt = row[6].split(';') if ';' in row[6] else row[6] if filt == 'PASS': filt = None info = self._parse_info(row[7]) try: fmt = row[8] except IndexError: fmt = None record = _Record(chrom, pos, ID, ref, alt, qual, filt, info, fmt, self._sample_indexes) if fmt is not None: samples = self._parse_samples(row[9:], fmt, record) record.samples = samples return record def fetch(self, chrom, start, end=None): """ fetch records from a Tabix indexed VCF, requires pysam if start and end are specified, return iterator over positions if end not specified, return individual ``_Call`` at start or None """ if not pysam: raise Exception('pysam not available, try "pip install pysam"?') if not self.filename: raise Exception('Please provide a filename (or a "normal" fsock)') if not self._tabix: self._tabix = pysam.Tabixfile(self.filename) if self._prepend_chr and chrom[:3] == 'chr': chrom = chrom[3:] # not sure why tabix needs position -1 start = start - 1 if end is None: self.reader = self._tabix.fetch(chrom, start, start+1) try: return except StopIteration: return None self.reader = self._tabix.fetch(chrom, start, end) return self class Writer(object): """ VCF Writer """ fixed_fields = "#CHROM POS ID REF ALT QUAL FILTER INFO FORMAT".split() def __init__(self, stream, template): self.writer = csv.writer(stream, delimiter="\t") self.template = template for line in template.metadata.iteritems(): stream.write('##%s=%s\n' % line) for line in template.infos.itervalues(): stream.write('##INFO=<ID=%s,Number=%s,Type=%s,Description="%s">\n' % tuple(self._map(str, line))) for line in template.formats.itervalues(): stream.write('##FORMAT=<ID=%s,Number=%s,Type=%s,Description="%s">\n' % tuple(self._map(str, line))) for line in template.filters.itervalues(): stream.write('##FILTER=<ID=%s,Description="%s">\n' % tuple(self._map(str, line))) self._write_header() def _write_header(self): # TODO: write INFO, etc self.writer.writerow(self.fixed_fields + self.template.samples) def write_record(self, record): """ write a record to the file """ ffs = self._map(str, [record.CHROM, record.POS, record.ID, record.REF]) \ + [self._format_alt(record.ALT), record.QUAL or '.', record.FILTER or '.', self._format_info(record.INFO), record.FORMAT] samples = [self._format_sample(record.FORMAT, sample) for sample in record.samples] self.writer.writerow(ffs + samples) def _format_alt(self, alt): return ','.join([x or '.' for x in alt]) def _format_info(self, info): if not info: return '.' return ';'.join(["%s=%s" % (x, self._stringify(y)) for x, y in info.iteritems()]) def _format_sample(self, fmt, sample): if["GT"] is None: return "./." return ':'.join(self._stringify([f]) for f in fmt.split(':')) def _stringify(self, x, none='.'): if type(x) == type([]): return ','.join(self._map(str, x, none)) return str(x) if x is not None else none def _map(self, func, iterable, none='.'): '''``map``, but make None values none.''' return [func(x) if x is not None else none for x in iterable] def __update_readme(): import sys, vcf file('README.rst', 'w').write(vcf.__doc__) # backwards compatibility VCFReader = Reader VCFWriter = Writer

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